Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hello everyone, well it sure has been a long time since I have logged on here and had a min. to just sit and do what I like, that is looking at pretty pictures on line and getting inspiration; be it a blog I have read or an article that interests me.
In this past year so much has gone on and well what better way to document it and all that has made me laugh then through a blog! Right ??
So I moved from New York to North Carolina. Wow what a change, to say the least! I am called a "Yankee" everyday LOL and with out fail at least 4-5  people ask me if I am from New York I can't help but just laugh at these obvious and yet at times rude questions I get.  But I have to say I am pleasantly pleased and shocked at the manners of the south!! Really everyone is sugar sweet!! There was a bathroom attendant at the airport when we landed!! They would never have that at JFK( not that I am knocking my city) but seriously I was blown away.
Now don't get me wrong I do have my moments,I have been on what is now a 3 week mission to find good pizza, and I still don't understand the difference between "sweet tea" and "iced tea" are they not the same? ( if  anyone has a recipe please send my way) and the country music that is played everyplace I turn is yet funny at times ( some of lyrics are hysterical) but some are just sad!! Not only have I just uprooted my whole life I also just ended a long relationship with someone that well....I thought at this point we would be married and I would not be living with my parents looking for a place at this point in my life.  But hey as the great Frank Sinatra sang, "That's life, funny as it seems. Some people get their kicks steppin' on dreams".
I am wondering if a good Southern Boy is the ticket? But who knows right now I need to find a place to live as great as it is to be with my parents ( who wouldn't love waking up to someone making them breakfast and playing golf and tennis all day? ) but reality sets in and I am an adult( not retired yet)  and I do have my own company ( I am actually a workaholic). So I guess....I have bigger fish to fry.

Oh and I have to add I am so super excited that one of the first stores I found was a Lilly store ( I love, love, love everything Lilly Pulitzer....but more of that to come in the future! Promise!!)
I hope you will all follow me on this fun,crazy and hysterical journey! Please feel free to give me pointers!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hello Friends

I have read so many lovely blogs and decided to join the world of "blogging" myself.
Please feel free to give me helpful hints and points as I am trying to navigate way along.

I decided this would be a great way for me to document what is going on in my life and to share it with family and friends.
Also a way to look back and say " gee what was I thinking" or " that was a great idea after all" none the less I have many interests and love to share them all.  Especially my love for entertaining as well as cooking, baking, gardening and of course shopping!!
Hope you all enjoy reading my blog!!